Assisting 100 children of women headed households with school stationeries, Anuradhapura and Mallathiv
Empowering 100 women on entrepreneurship management skills target Districts, Monaragala, North, Hill country
2018 Thaalam Project
Under this, WIM empowered young children of women-headed households, who were the victims of alcoholism and sex work. This project was successfully executed where 25 girls ended up as manufacturers of women slippers and cosmetic jewelries. Today, they travel for exhibitions, and are also in the process of reaching the export market.
Kayts Project
1st August 2017 to 1st March 2018
The challenges were to create physical and economic environment to sustain plant and human lives. Out of 3015 families 1340 drawing Government subsidies for those poor. Population comprises 5266 females and 4937 are males in 54 villages. 416 families are headed by females. 947 are farming families. 236 persons are disabled, 13 are blind, 46 are one legged, 6 minus both legs, 27 minus one hand, 3 without hands, 9 with one eye, 13 without eyes, 132 with other injuries. 1490 elders with little or no means of income. 544 families are without houses. 105 families have no toilets. Laborer work available from November - March, no income from March - November. Sri Lanka 97 educational zones with Kayts occupying the 97th position.
Rain fall available in the period September - December. Limited ground water resources. No river & No major/ medium tanks. Severe drought in dry season. 54 damaged and silted ponds and limited of machinery. Poverty, families burdened with trauma, severe hardships, harsh environmental conditions pose challenges to lives and the ecology.
Total Project Cost : 750,000
Number of Women-Headed Households : 50
This project was funded by Private Sector Organization